Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mosque leader in Bradford accused of assaults on Children

Yet another Imam up in Bradstan is in the dock for assaults on children with bail conditions stipulating that Sabir Hussain must not contact children who attended the Mosque in Keighley.

Once again complete silence from Bradstonians about the shocking nature of alleged assaults but then at least they are consistent with all the other donuts who remain silent about Imams and sexual abuse here, here and here. For crying out loud brothers where is the outrage and what will it take for the community to say enough is enough and start to protect innocent Muslim children from mainly predatory Pakistani Imams.

Cue the usual suspects living in complete denial who will avoid mention of the assaults which in this instance remain to be proven and simply focus on the need to avoid discussing where these perverts originate from.

LM believes the need to professionalise the management and governance of Mosques particularly up north is long overdue. As many Pakistani friends (yes I do have some) tell me those who are a complete failure in their Pakistani education and destined for the scrap heap take up religion as a career leading to some of the weirdest fruitcakes worryingly running the House of Allah (swt).

What appears to be required is those lined up for successful professional careers need to be convinced that engagement and employment with Muslim institutions is an attractive proposition thus pushing the Muppet's currently running the Mosque back to where they belong in Mini Cab ranks. We need Imams and Management Committees to be professionally headhunted, elected, accountable and also shock horror for those up North, we need Muslim sisters like Saira Khan not just screened off near the toilets but actively participating and leading the management of Mosques.

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