Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Professor of Genetics highlights birth defects of Muslims due to Cousin Marriages

UCL Professor of Genetics Steve Jones has started an interesting debate following his contribution to the discussion over cousin marriages within the Pakistani Muslim community especially in Bradistan.

How ironic that an outstanding geneticist and perhaps one of the leading Scientists in his field who is not a Muslim is providing a helpful fact based warning to the Pakistani Muslim Community up north about the appalling genetic defects of first cousin marriages.

LM has on a number of occasions expressed my disgust at cousin marriages in this day and age when there is no excuse for not being aware of the consequence and risks of genetic defects. Rather than welcoming the important advice sadly some Pakistani Muslims will continue to remain silent about the scientific facts and simply attempt to close down debate about anything that mentions the word Pakistan. LM notes the similar silence about Pakistani Imams and sexual abuse.

Samira Shackle herself from Karachi points out that while the word inbreeding perhaps fosters stereotypes, the reason Pakistani Muslims from Bradistan (who largely originate from a village called Mirpur) engage in first cousin marriages is to do with clan or tribal loyalty also known as the Biradari system.

Nobody in Bradistan least of all the donuts running the mosques have contributed to this important debate largely because they are probably part of the 75% who are in cousin marriages. As a result, LM congratulates the good Professor for raising something sadly Bradstani's are too scared or too embarrassed to discuss.

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