Thursday, June 2, 2011

Saira Khan on first cousin marriages and "deformed babies"

LM has written in detail here and here about the appalling genetic consequences of first cousin marriages amongst British born Pakistanis particularly in Bradistan before and after the Professor Steve Jones controversy.

LM has had the usual predictable rather tired old accusations of racism and "Paki Bashing". However, Saira Khan of Apprentice fame a British born Pakistani Muslim has written a robust formidable article in the Daily Mail about what she calls "inbreeding, deformed babies and a shameful conspiracy of silence".

While I am not entirely comfortable with Saira introducing racist David Cameron into this debate particularly in the Daily Mail or mentioning her non Muslim husband which seems to imply perhaps unintentionally why she has a healthy two year old son, I do agree with the sentiment.

Finally, a British Born Pakistani who admits to her own health problems conceiving Zac (pictured) has brushed aside the resistant strain of cultural taboos and highlighted the importance of thinking about innocent Muslim kids born into a life of struggle for them and their Mother's. LM purposefully highlights the mothers because as Saira correctly mentions many Pakistani men do a runner the moment a child is born with a disability and have the stupidity to blame the wife for bearing them an unhealthy child.

While LM, Saira, Professor Steve Jones and even Lord Ahmad, who has highlighted arranged marriages, have raised a number of issues concerning first cousin marriages one point which has not been raised is the possibility that those engaging in cousin marriages do it reluctantly because they don't think anyone outside their extended family would contemplate marrying them.

In order to satisfy my curiosity if LM is a "racist" who engages in "Paki Bashing" what does that make Saira Khan with her similar views on first cousin marriages.

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