Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Prevent Review

Today the long overdue Prevent Review is published by Theresa May the Home Secretary and LM has this feeling of deja Vue.

Strangely I'm not particularly fussed because today's announcement will contain few surprises and be broadly speaking a variation of a similar theme about how to control these Pesky Muslims including controlling freedom of thought on the Internet. The suits have realised that true to form as this country's colonial history indicates playing the same old divide and rule game amongst blacks and brownies with offers of bribes and titles is the ultimate control agent.

My main focus on today of all day's is not what the parliamentary village has in store for us but an element of inward parochial thinking about the state of Muslim Ummah here in the UK. While the current incumbents on the ministerial merry go round perpetuate the narrative of Terrorism, Security and extremism how many Muslims are aware of today's announcement and I'm not talking about the beggars or sell outs desperately keen to ensure they continue to be beneficiaries of the corrupt shilling from the State.

While we grow our beards and ensure our eyebrows are threaded how many Muslims contacted their MP's to establish what questions they will be asking the Home Secretary today. Moreover, will your MP elected by their huge Muslim votes be in the chamber today to speak up on your behalf. Have MP's been provided with briefings and lines to take by Mosques and so called representatives of the community to ensure our fellow Muslim students are not all branded as extremists or that our Doctor's should not be focusing on sending us to Belmarsh or any other form of Internment this wonderful State has in mind for us.

Sadly the silent majority of mainstream Muslims have increasingly withdrawn from the center stage of society and allowed those sell outs and nutty fruitcakes to hog the limelight thus providing our enemies with an open goal. While Theresa May initially announced some positive gestures, increasingly the racist right wing narrative has been firmly embedded and frankly we Muslims have nobody to blame but ourselves because of our incompetence and stupidity.

When Mladic was finally hauled before the Hague to face justice for his role in the genocide of Bosnian Muslims I could not help thinking that those Muslim sisters who were gang raped by Serb scum or Muslim brothers murdered in their thousands were never helped by the Muslim Ummah. When Libyan Muslims were about to face mass murder from Gaddaffi the Muslim ummah stood by doing and saying nothing to save our fellow Muslims while pleading with Non Muslims to help alleviate a potential bloody massacre.

Today in Parliament there will perhaps be a handful of conscientious politicians who urge the State apparatus and its agents to not treat Muslims as pariahs like the Irish were treated but show us the same respect other communities enjoy. However, in large part those who do voice concerns will not be Muslim and will be drowned out by our enemies like Robert Halfon MP and his ilk who will be briefed by all manner of interests to continue the stereotyping of our community and frankly as I have already said we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

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